Sustainable Production Alignment
Reducing the high costs that poor quality has on your organization requires more than just a short-term remedy. The combination of Impactiva’s world-class solutions and expertise help you build and maintain a Sustainable Production Alignment that delivers permanent Stability, Self-Reliability and Sustainability across your entire production chain.
Smart Boots QA-QC:
Impactiva Team Members are your “Smart Boots on the Ground.” They leverage 8 key elements to transform your production chain, engage your ecosystem, and drive innovation across all of your production operations:
- Risk Management
- Predictive Analysis
- Get Ready
- In-Process QA
- Pre-Shipment QC
- Validation
- Order Status
- Supply-Chain Management System (SCM)
Impactiva’s Smart Boots QA-QC enables you to achieve Quality Stability today and tomorrow.
Factory Accreditation Program:
A 100-day Factory Accreditation Program for your strategic factories begins with a thorough end to-end quality assessment. With the goal of beginning a journey to zero-defects, Impactiva:
- Performs defect calibration with all QC Guardians
- Reviews the methodology used by all pre-shipment QC inspectors
- Implements technical improvements that impact quality department by department
- Institutes artisan Check-Do-Check
With the help of the discipline, accountability and transparency brought about by the deployment of Impactiva’s QC Guardian SaaS digital system, factory leadership and you will have instant visibility on the quality being produced on the shop floor.
The Impactiva Quality Factory Accreditation Program engages and motivates the entire factory floor to strive for continuous improvement and empowers your factories to become quality Self-Reliable.
Factory Process Optimization
Our experts begin with a Factory Process Optimization assessment that identifies the opportunities in each factory to embark on a journey of continuous improvement and innovation with the goal of achieving double-digit reductions in defects, lead-time and costs as well as a significant increase in flexibility.
Via change management techniques, we help factory leadership to execute new behaviors which translate into sustainable habits that instill the values of accountability, discipline and transparency, ultimately creating a new leading-edge manufacturing culture. We achieve this by focusing 70% of our efforts on transforming factory leadership, the key to achieving a sustainable production chain.